Minggu, 14 Agustus 2016

Hello again

GENGSSS dikit lagi masuk nihhh kuliah gue.
Gue pengen kembali aja ke blog ini. Cerita cerita lagi
Gue harus balik ke malang huft:(

Minggu, 20 September 2015

Tengah malem tadi, lagi berbincang hangat sama temen sma. Himmah namanya.
Himmah ini pendengar yang baik. Calon istri solehah, insyaAllah.
Giliran gue yang cerita malem ini. Dan itu banyak banget. bener-bener dapet pencerahan dari himmah ini.
Dia selalu bisa nyampein maksud baik dengan cara yang baik,dan ga nyinggung aku sama sekali. Dan aku suka. *maap ye kebawa orang jawa kalo ngomong aku-aku an*

I telling her how hard to be a good muslimah in this faculty. Karena lingkungannya tidak seperti lingkungan gue sebelum-sebelum ini. inti pembicaraan dengan himmah adalah bahwa gue harus bangga dengan predikat islam gue, dengan pakaian gue, mempertahankan rok gue, dan cara gue berbusana di kampus dengan cara gue berbusana biasanya, ga terlalu ketat,dan kerudung ga terlalu pendek. Karna bergaul dengan orang-orang ga harus ngikutin cara mereka, tapi kita harus berpendirian sama apa yang udah kita pegang dari awal. 

tiada yang bisa menjaga yang jauh, siang dan malam, pagi dan petang, dimana pun, kapan pun, selain Allah, selain doa-doa dari ummi sama abi, dari orang-orang di rumah, dan semua orang yang doain aku.......

Sungguh dengan merantau akan banyak belajar, gimana bisa hidup untuk sekian lama dengan semua yang serba terbatas, harus pinter-pinter manage segalanya sendiri, pinter-pinter pilih temen, pilih lingkungan, organisasi yang baik. Keyakinan yang tetep harus di pegang teguh.... yuk mulai lagi pahami, dan tanamkan islam secara Kaaffah!

Rabu, 16 September 2015

"seseorang seharusnya memutuskan untuk bersama karena melihat keutuhannya tercermin, bukan ketakutannya akan sepi" -Peluk, Dewi Lestari

Minggu, 13 September 2015


would you sing this song, for me?
would you?
would you stay?

When life leaves you high and dry
I'll be at your door tonight
If you need help, if you need help.
I'll shut down the city lights,
I'll lie, cheat, I'll beg and bribe
To make you well, to make you well.

When enemies are at your door
I'll carry you away from war
If you need help, if you need help.
Your hope dangling by a string
I'll share in your suffering
To make you well, to make you well.

Give me reasons to believe
That you would do the same for me.

And I would do it for you, for you.
Baby, I'm not moving on
I'll love you long after you're gone.
For you, for you.
You will never sleep alone.
I'll love you long after you're gone
And long after you're gone, gone, gone.

When you fall like a statue
I'm gon' be there to catch you
Put you on your feet, you on your feet.
And if your well is empty
Not a thing will prevent me.
Tell me what you need, what do you need?

I surrender honestly.
You've always done the same for me.

So I would do it for you, for you.
Baby, I'm not moving on,
I'll love you long after you're gone.
For you, for you.
You will never sleep alone.
I'll love you long after you're gone
And long after you're gone, gone, gone.

You're my back bone.
You're my cornerstone.
You're my crutch when my legs stop moving.
You're my head start.
You're my rugged heart.
You're the pulse that I've always needed.
Like a drum, baby, don't stop beating.
Like a drum, baby, don't stop beating.
Like a drum, baby, don't stop beating.
Like a drum my heart never stops beating...

For you, for you.
Baby, I'm not moving on.
I'll love you long after you're gone.
For you, for you.
You will never sleep alone.
I'll love you long after you're gone.
For you, for you.
Baby, I'm not moving on,
I'll love you long after you're gone.
For you, for you.
You will never sleep alone.
I'll love you long, long after you're gone.
Like a drum, baby, don't stop beating.
Like a drum, baby, don't stop beating.
Like a drum, baby, don't stop beating.
Like a drum my heart never stops beating for you.

And long after you're gone, gone, gone.
I'll love you long after you're gone, gone, gone.

Sabtu, 12 September 2015

yes i do i dont like rules
ya. gue gasuka sama peraturan yang memaksa tanpa logika
bikin gue gabebas gerak
gabebas berekspresi
yes i hate it
ahhh frustated:(

Rabu, 09 September 2015

rindu rumah.

ke sekian kali di minggu ini, di bulan pertama jadi maba, bulan pertaman merantau.
kangen rumah.............................dan segala hal detailnya.
ya karna sejujurnya gue belum menemukan kesibukan disini
belum menemukan sesuatu yang baru yang bisa menggugah semangat
dulu di rumah gue suka masak, meskipun ga sering, tp disini gue jadi ogah-ogahan
pertama, karena gatau pasarnya
kedua, ngatur uangnya masih berantakan
ketiga, belum nyaman masakdisini
gatau mau masak apa
buat siapa
pelitnya mulai muncul
makan siang selalu beli, dan itu rangkap makan malam, karena gue males buat masak malemnya
sarapan dengan semua yang instan. mie. energen. macaroni. roti. dan hal-hal mudah lainnya.

how to survive isnt easy, seriously..............

Senin, 31 Agustus 2015

besok ospek.....
ga siap
bahan udah siap sih
mental belum
ngedown bgt inih
gimana ya caranya
kangen bgt jakarta
enak kali ya kalo ga jauh2 dari ortu
betapa cengeng nya...

Minggu, 30 Agustus 2015

Jika dua orang ditakdirkan bersama, maka dari sudut bumi manapun mereka berasal, mereka pasti bertemu.

-Tere Liye

Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2015

satu minggu di malang, ingin pulang.

sejujurnya, ospek ub adalah yg paling ngaret. diantara temen-temen yang lain, mereka udh pd pake almet, udh mulai kuliah, dll sebagainya.
satu per satu foto bikin ngiri. udah lewat ospek. sedangkan gue? 'masih' mempersiapkan.
emang semua ada positif dan negatifnya.
gue lelah di rumah, i mean, doing nothing, akhirnya gue sm nyokap memutuskan buat ke malang lebih awal. padahal bokap udh taro sekitaran tanggal 27an aja berangkatnya, guenya ngeyel. sip bgt ya</3
akhirnya gue brgkt tgl 20 agustus hari kamis. 15jam perjalanan, gue sampe hari jumat pagi tgl 21.
awalnya, disambut matahari dan angin sejuk.
akhirnya merantau.
gue tinggal di rumah sepupu gue di arjosari sama nyokap gue juga. welcome bgt. asik. gue betah di situ.
besoknya hari sabtu, gue survey kontrakan sama nyokap sekalian taro barang-barang.malem itu gue masih tidur di rumah sodara gue yakan........
besoknya gue jalan ke matos sama temen sma gue. masih ga berasa tuh....
trus hari senin nyokap gue pulang..... tapi gue masih di rumah sodara gue yakan
dua hari kemudian pas hari rabu gue memutuskan untuk pindah ke kontrakan
pamit gitu yakan sama uti, tante gue, mbak gue... trs pd blg 'kenapa ga nanti aja pindahnya? kan masih lama?'

yaudah deh tuh, gue ke kontrakan
di kontrakan gue penuh ujian gt............huhu
pas gue dtg wifinya mati trs gaada sinyal di kamar gue
sedih bgt
dah gitu
gabisa masak
karna kompornya rusak dan blm di perbaiki.................................
gaada yg bisa di masak juga
sedih gasih
seketika gue nyesel kan
di rumah uti makan tinggal makan enak bgt:(
yaudalaya akhirnya gue tidur
bangun tidur lgsg nyuci trs cabut ke kampus, numpang wifi
blm sarapan
udah mandi
sendirian kayak anak ilang
yaudah agak siangan ada deh yg nemenin
trs ketemu abang akuh
doi kan udh 2thn di ub, udh terbiasa:(
gue blg sama dia gue homesick
trs kata dia.. YaAllah baru 6 hari
semua akan baik baik saja
adaptasi emang sedikit sulit buat gue
nangis-nangis lebay gt
tapi seriusan cengeng bgt gue
ah tapi sedih
pengen pulang bgt sih ah:'''

tapi gue mikir.....
kalo gue segini aja nyerah,
gimana bisa S2 di luar negri, yakan?:)

Selasa, 11 Agustus 2015

cuma tertunda

Gue punya mini-genk.
Cuma 3 personelnya. tsah
Kita 6 tahun satu sekolah. SMP 182, SMA 14 Jakarta.

Mytha itu temen curhat gue pas kelas 8, di 8i. Chairmate pas kelas 9.
Dulu dia pengen banget sekolah di SMA 38 yang di Lenteng Agung kalo gasalah.
Tapi trus ternyata dia masuk ke SMA 14, sama gue lagi.
Pas Foto BT kelas 9 kita di UI. dan. dari SMP udah planning bareng kalo kita bakal kuliah di UI. Dulu sama-sama pengen ambil FK. FK COI. BAYANGIN. FK. wkwk

Faza itu temen sekelas gue pas kelas 7. di 7a. Dulu gue agak gimana gitu sama dia. trus gue baru tau kalo nama bokapnya sama kayak gue cuma beda a sama o. Hah memalukan wkwkwk maafkan aku faza. Sekelas juga pas kelas 8, di 8i.
Lulus SMP, dia juara 2 nem tertinggi se angkatan. Juara 1 Nilai Akhir terbaik SMP. Keren bat coii
Dia emang mau masuk ke 14 kan, sama gue lagi.

Masuk lah kita di SMA 14. Mytha di XA, gue di XD, Faza di XF.
Dulu jaman-jaman kelas X, gue sama faza barter-barteran catatan gitu kalo belajar. Biasalahh. Soalnya gurunya sama, tapi kalo sama mytha gurunya beda. Dulu sma 14 masih di renov, jadi masih numpang gitu di Binawan. kelas X dan kelas XI.
Nah pas naik kelas XI, gue sama faza masuk ipa, mytha ips. Gue sekelas sama faza, dan kita jadi chairmate.

Mytha ikutan MPK kan tuh dari awal kelas X, jadi lah dia MPK. Gue bete banget coi. Bayangin aja kelas X dia udah sibuk gatau ngurusin apaan, sibuk organisasi. Mana dulu dia ekskul sampe malem. Trus gaada waktu gitu buat gue, trus sok sok punya banyak rahasia, kesel gue:''') Sedangkan gue? wkwkwkwkwk. Nah gue ikutan juga dah organisasi, OSIS pas kelas XI.
Gue sama mytha SERING, SERING BANGET BERANTEMIN masalah organisasi. Yang gak cocok pendapat lah, yang curhat-curhat gitu lah, sok-sok gatau apa -apa lah padahal tau banyak. Yang pulang sore sampe malem juga pernah. Setelah diklat dan lain-lain, Akhirnya sertijab, mytha jadi HRD MPK, gue sekretaris III OSIS, kalo faza aktif di bulutangkis, jadi sekre ekskul dia coi, ngurusin absen-absen gitu haha mana berantem mulu lagi sama Rakha si ketua-an. Hehe peace out
Pas kelas XI juga gue ga fokus-fokus banget belajarnya, sering banget ninggalin kelas buat ngurusin osis dll, padahal gue gak ngapa-ngapain sih wkwk, kasian ya faza di tinggal mulu:(
wkwk time goes so fast

Kelas XII. Udah mulai deh tuh kurang-kurangin organisasi. Udah mulai les masing-masing juga. Kita les di tempat yang beda-beda wkwk. Mytha di BTA, gue di NF, faza di GO. Oke bukan promosi. Ini membuktikan perbedaan tak akan memisahkan. Tsah.
2 tahun gue duduk bareng faza.
Kelas 12 udah mulai kurangin kegiatan gitu kan. Tetep aja gue gabisa fokus gatau kenapa, mana suka ketiduran itu di kelas, memalukan. trus faza pasti ngetawain gue gitu kalo gue udah tidur:( pernah malah waktu itu di foto trus di share ke path sama rere:( wkwkwk
Gue gatau kenapa pelajaran ipa susah banget coi, berat gue gatau harus gimana wkwk. Gue udah belajar bareng, belajar di nf, tapi tetep aja:(
Berkali-kali to, tapi emang gue ngerasa to nya masih kurang, soalnya di semester 1 nya nyantai gituu.

Akhirnya UN.
3 hari UN. Sebelum UN pasti duduk bareng di masjid Al Huda. Doa bareng. Nangis bareng.
Jujur. Kita bertiga murni ngerjain UN. Murni!
Gue nangis pas ngerjain UN Kimia, hari pertama. Susah sumpah susah.
Emang gue bermasalah banget di Kimia.
Trus Faza juga malem selasa dia nangis karna gak yakin sama jawaban Kimia yang susah bgt itu.
Kalo mytha lancar, cuman dia kurang lancar di pelajaran apa gitu lupa.
Akhirnya kita lupain setelah 3 hari UN yang WOW banget itu.

Abis itu pada intensif.
Yang paling males ikutan intensif si faza. Gue sama mytha biasa aja sih. Tapi keknya gue semangat karna teman-teman baru hahahahaha.

Faza doang yang dapet. Geografi UI. Mantap tuh anak.

Trus abis itu pengumuman UN. who cares about that national exam, btw?
Kalo ternyata itu gak di pake juga buat masuk Kuliah. Idk. Lalu kenapa ada UN?!-_-

Gue sama mytha lanjut intensif. Si mytha sampe ikutan les double gitu. Gile dahh

Trus ultah gue. Mereka berdua tbtb dateng gitu ke rumah belajar, kebetulan gue lagi belajar brg sama santo rahman hadyan ipang trs ada adit sama cibe juga. Seneng bgt woiiii:'') Tapi ttp aja masih ngerasa ada yang kurang di hari itu...

Akhirnya SBMPTN. 9 Juni 2015
Lokasi ujian gue sama mytha sama, di UIN tapi beda gedung gitu.
Nah si Faza kayak daftar ulang gitu di UI sampe malem katanya banyak banget ribuan orang di Balairung.. Sampe bete2 si faza haha

Bulan puasa, 29 Juni 2015 saking jarangnya ketemu, akhirnya kita bukber.
Salah banget emang malem itu malah gibah astagfirullah:(
Tapi gapapa sih melegakan hati.
Bicara faktaa sama mereka mahh wkwk

Gue pas ini lagi di Bangka. Susahnya sinyal kek nyari jodoh. Wakakak
Tapi alhamdulillah gue di terima di Brawijaya.

Mytha belum dapet.
Dia nangis seharian. Sedih gue dengernya.
Trus faza bilang 'yang terbaik fah'
setelah 2 hari, baru deh si mytha kayak wake up from the nighmare, dia akhirnya daftar ptn yang masih buka jalur mandiri.
pertama dia ikut UNS, tapi ternyata pas mau bayar gagal gitu akhirnya gajadi di UNS. Doi nya disana padahal, trus dia agak nyeshh gitu
Trus akhirnya dia mandiri UB, tes ke UB nya langsung.
Trus dia juga ikut mandiri UNPAD,online.
Trus dia juga ikut mandiri UNJ, tes di UNJ nya langsung.
Trus dia juga daftar UNSOED, daftar doang, gaikut test.

Gak lama dia test,

keluar lah pengumuman.
Mytha di terima di
Unpad - vokasi humas
UB - Sosiologi

Seneng lah doi. Jago bat coi Mandiri loh ini wkwk
Akhirnya dia milih................................... Brawijaya.

what can we learn from the story above sebenernya adalah
Allah jawab doa kita dengan jawaban-Nya

"Berdoalah kepadaKu niscaya akan Ku kabulkan"

"1. Ya, Sekarang
 2. Ya, Nanti
 3. Tidak, Aku punya yang lebih baik"

Ternyata, emang gitu
faza, gue, terakhir mytha.
haha buat gue ini lucu
kisah nyata yang gue alami sendiri di kehidupan gue
kalo kita percaya bahwa doa akan di kabulkan
yang terbaik
insyaAllah selalu yang terbaik untuk ummat-Nya

Keep in touch, mygirls..

Minggu, 02 Agustus 2015

"Before The Worst" - The Script

It's been a while since the two of us talked
About a week since the day that you walked
Knowing things would never be the same
With your empty heart and mine full of pain
So explain to me, how it came to this
Take it back to the night we kissed
It was Dublin city on a Friday night
With vodkas and coke, I was Guinness all night

We were sitting with our backs against the world
Saying things that we thought but never heard
Oh, who would have thought it would end up like this?
Where everything we talked about is gone
And the only chance we have of moving on
Is trying to take it back before it all went wrong

Before the worst, before we met
Before our hearts decide
It's time to love again

Before too late, before too long
Let's try to take it back
Before it all went wrong

There was a time, that we'd stay up all night
Best friends, yeah, talking 'til the daylight
Took the joys alongside the pain
With not much to lose but so much to gain
Are you hearing me? 'Cause I don't wanna miss,
That you would drift on memory bliss
It was Grafton Street on a rainy night
I was down on one knee and you were mine for life

We were thinking we would never be apart
With your name tattooed across my heart
Oh, who would have thought it would end up like this?
Where everything we talked about is gone
And the only chance we have of moving on
Is trying to take it back before it all went wrong

Before the worst, before we met
Before our hearts decide
It's time to love again
Before too late, before too long
Let's try to take it back
Before it all went wrong

If the clouds don't clear
Then we'll rise above it, we'll rise above it
Heaven's gate is so near
Come walk with me through
Just like we used to, just like we used to

Let's take it back
Before it all went wrong

Before the worst, before we met
Before our hearts decide
It's time to love again
Before too late, before too long
Let's try to take it back
Before it all went wrong

Let's try to take it back
Before it all went wrong

Congrats, gunners.

Six degrees of separation - the script

You've read the books
You've watched the shows
What's the best way no one knows, ye
Meditate, get hypnotized
Anything to take it from your mind
But it won't go, ohhhh ohhh
You're doing all these things out of desperation
Ohhh ohhh
You're going through six degrees of separation

You hit the drink, you take a toke
Watch the past go up in smoke, ye
Fake a smile, yeah, lie and say that
You're better now than ever,
 and your life's okay
When it's not, no
You're doing all these things out of desperation
Ohhh ohhh
You're going through six degrees of separation

First, you think the worst is a broken heart
What's gonna kill you is the second part
And the third is when your world splits down the middle
And fourth, you're gonna think that you fixed yourself
And the sixth is when you admit you may have fucked up a little

(Oh no there ain't no help, it's every man for himself)
(No no there ain't no help, it's every man for himself)

You tell your friends, yeah, strangers too
Anyone who'll throw an arm around you, yeah
Tarot cards, gems and stones
Believing all that shit's gonna heal your soul
Well it's not, no

You're only doing things out of desperation
Ohhh no
You're goin' through six degrees of separation

First, you think the worst is a broken heart
What's gonna kill you is the second part
And the third, is when your world splits down the middle
And fourth, you're gonna think that you fixed yourself
Fifth, you see them out with someone else
And the sixth is when you admit you may have fucked up a little

No there's no starting over
Without finding closure
You'd take them back, no hesitation
That's when you know you've reached the sixth degree of separation

Oh, no there's no starting over
Without finding closure
You'd take them back, no hesitation
That's when you know you've reached the sixth degree of separation

First, you think the worst is a broken heart
What's gonna kill you is the second part
And the third, is when your world splits down the middle
And fourth, you're gonna think that you fixed yourself
Fifth, you see them out with someone else
And the sixth is when you admit you may have fucked up a little

No, no, there ain't no help
It's every man for himself
You're goin' through six degrees of separation

No, no, there ain't no help
It's every man for himself
You're goin' through six degrees of separation

[x3: fading]
No, no, there ain't no help
It's every man for himself

You're goin' through six degrees of separation

Sometimes, song could imagine how difficult the situation is.

Jumat, 31 Juli 2015

"the script"

Hai semuanya! 
Gue masih di Jakarta nih. Hehe who cares about it btw:(
Karna hari-hari gue jadi flat teramat sangat karna blm ada gawean, gue jatuh cinta nih sama the script.
Band beraliran pop rock yang personel nya ada 3 orang. Huft hasil nyolong wikipedia nih

"The Script is a pop rock band formed in 2001. The band consists of lead vocalist/pianist Danny O'Donoghue, vocalist/guitarist Mark Sheehan, and drummer Glen Power. Based in London after signing to Sony Label Groupimprint Phonogenic, the band released their eponymous debut album in August 2008, featuring the hit songs "The Man Who Can't Be Moved" and "Breakeven (Falling to Pieces)". The album peaked at number one in Ireland and the UK. Their second album, Science & Faith, was released in September 2010, and contains the hit songs "For the First Time" and "Nothing". The album peaked at number one in Ireland and the UK, and number three on the US Billboard200. Their third album, #3, came out in 2012 and peaked at number one in Ireland and the UK, containing the hit song "Hall of Fame", in collaboration withhip hop artist will.i.am. In 2014, they released their fourth album No Sound Without Silence which peaked at number one and spawned the hit single "Superheroes"."

  • Danny O'Donoghue – lead vocals, keyboard, guitar
  • Mark Sheehan – lead guitar, vocals
  • Glen Power – drums, backing vocals

Gila ya keren banget! parah!
Lagunya, behhh
Oke gue gak lebay
Tapi beneran deh, kalo di perhatiin musiknya tuh asik, dan liriknya itu pasti kena banget.
Suara daniel nya juga khas banget

"On 2 December 2009 the band's single "The Man Who Can't Be Moved" was featured as a remix on the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show during the Enchanted Forest segment"

Awal gue tau the script tuh pas kelas 8an deh kalo gasalah ya, itu lagi alay-alaynya SMP:(
Dulu pernah galau-galau gajelas ababil alay pake lagunya the script yg "The man who can't be moved" yang ternyata rilis 15 September 2008. Nah trus sering nyanyi bareng gitu sama temen-temen kelas 9d pas hari jumat.

Dari wikipedia,

Script album.jpg
Album pertamanya 'The Script' (2008) rilis 8 Agustus 2008. 
1. we cry, 28 April 2008.
2. The man who cant be moved, 28 Juli 2008.  
3. Breakeven, 24 November 2008
4. Talk you down, 16 Maret 2009
5. Before the worst, 15 Juni 2009
6. Rusty halo
7. The end where i begin
8. Fall for anything
9. If you see kay
10. I'm yours

The Script Science & Faith.jpg
Album keduanya 'Science & Faith' (2010) albumnya rilis 10/13/18 September 2010
1. For the first time, 20 Agustus 2010
2. Nothing, 19 November 20120
3. If you ever come back, 4 April 2011
4. Science & Faith, 27 May 2011 *kenapa gak 28 aja?!*
5. You wont feel a thing
6. Long gone and moved on
7. Dead man walking
8. This = love
9. Walk away
10. Exit wounds

Album ketiganya '#3' (2012) rilis 7 September 2012
1. Hall of fame, 19 Agustus 2012
2. Six degrees of separation, 25 November 2012
3. If you could see me now, 4 Maret 2013
4. Milionaires, 13 Juni 2013
5. Good Oi' days
6. Glowing
7. Give the love around
8. Broken arrow
9. Kaleidoscope
10. No words

The Script - No Sound Without Silence (artwork).jpg
Album keempat 'no sound without silence' (2014) albumnya rilis 12 september 2014

1. Superheroes, 22 Juli 2014
2. No good in good bye, 15 oktober 2014
3. Man on a wire, 15 Maret 2015
4. It's not right for you
5. The energy never dies
6. Flares
7. Army of Angels
8. Never seen anything quite like you
9. Paint the town green
10. Without those sings
11. Hail rain or sunshine

Kayak if you could see me now, fall for anything, nothing, kalo itu tuh gue tau sendiri gitukan. 'Six degrees of separation' itu lagu gue tau dari  seseorang gara-gara gue sering stalk twitternya dulu haha sekrang juga sih kadang, hehehe Trus gue tau breakeven, padahal lagu itu rilisnya udah lama, gue baru tau sekitaran 2014an dari temen gue. Nah trus pas 2015 awal lagi sering-seringnya pada listening superheroes, dan emang enak-enak kok lagunya.Trus lama, pas udah SMA, baru deh gue tau lebih banyak gitu lagu-lagunya.
gue sempet ngepos deh di blog gue yang nothing

Trus sekarang gue tau lebih banyak *norakbgtyaampun:(*
Lagunya mendukung suasana hati bgt sungguh...
kena banget liriknya sumpah yaa
dan video clipnya kena meaning nya bgt loh, apalagi hall of fame
itu yang gue tandain itu kesukaan gue.. sukakk banget coiii
kebanyakan orang pasti jatuh banget kalo dengerin the man who cant be moved biasanya buat yang galau galaunya akut banget tuh pasti listening lagu itu.

"Well did you see the flares in the sky?
Were you blinded by the light?
Did you feel the smoke in your eyes?
Did you? Did you?
Did you see the sparks feel the hope? You are not alone
Cause someone's out there, sending out flares
Someone's out there, sending out flares"


"My heart is in my throat
I'm counting on high hopes to get me over you
And I've got my eyes closed
As long as the wind blows
I'm counting on high hopes to get me over you, you"
                     -Man on a wire

"Where's the "good" in "goodbye"?
Where's the "nice" in "nice try"?
Where's the "us" in "trust" gone?
Where's the "soul" in "soldier on"?
Now I'm the "low" in "lonely"
'Cause I don't own you only
I can take this mistake
But I can't take the ache from heartbreak
No, I can't take the ache from heartbreak"

                      - No good in good bye

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